The rational, perfectionist teacher at M.M.R Vocational School. She continuously strives to provide excellent education to students. She also has a girly side and adores cute things.
- EN:Madeline Dorroh
- JP:Konomi Inagaki
- KR:Lee Noon-sol
- Elysion
- Supporter
- Shotgun
Reload:1.5 sec
Burst Gen:0.2 %
Affects target(s). Deals 201.5 % of ATK as damage. Deals 200 % damage when attacking core.

Drone Supporter
Activates when the last bullet hits the target. Affects all allies. Recovers 10.95 % of attack damage as HP over 3 sec. Activates when the last bullet hits the target. Affects 2 ally unit(s) with the highest ATK. HP Potency ▲ 26.98 % for 3 sec.

School Nurse
Activates when using Burst Skill. Affects all allies. Recovers 28.11 % of caster's final Max HP as HP.

A Teacher's Grace
Affects all allies. Storage: If the target obtained a healing effect that exceeds the character's Max HP, excess portion will be stored, up to 27.87 % of the caster's Max HP, lasts for 10 sec. DEF ▲ 20.9 % of the caster's DEF for 10 sec.
A Nikke squad specially manufactured by Elysion for educational purposes after the company noticed the potential of the M.M.R. Vocational School. They are responsible for taking Nikkes that show promise and honing their skills so that they can reclaim the surface one day.