Just Once More.wav
(損壞後無法播放的檔案。) Look back on the past 回首過去 Look back how we've gone through all the xxits that happen to us 我們挺過了無數艱難歲月 We've been there, done that, overcome them all 我們經歷過,認識過,但都克服了 All we gotta do is to do it just once more 如今我們要做的就是昨日重現
Caught in the Rapture.wav
(損壞後無法播放的檔案。) Rapture, rapture 萊徹,萊徹 Chasing after it all ma life and now I'm caught up 一生都在追逐萊徹的我現在反而被萊徹抓住了 It's killing me faster than any drug 它殺死我的速度比任何毒品都快
Welcome to the Ark.wav
(損壞後無法播放的檔案。) Welcome to the mankind's heaven, the Ark 歡迎來到人類的天堂,方舟。 Dear president, politician, CEO and scientists! 親愛的總統、政治家、CEO 和科學家們! The rest should xxck off, cuz we have no room for you 其餘人請滾開,因為沒有為你們準備地方。