Nikke Wiki

Alteisen P.S.I.D.

Alteisen P.S.I.D.

  • Defender
  • Tyrant
  • Ground

Turret II

Fires a machine gun continuously at the Nikke with the highest ATK. The machine gun can be destroyed.

Turret IV

Fires a machine gun continuously at the Nikke with the highest ATK. The machine gun can be destroyed.

Missile Launcher I

Fires missiles at the Nikke with the highest ATK. Missiles cannot be intercepted.

Missile Launcher II

Fires missiles at the Nikke with the highest ATK. Missiles cannot be intercepted.

Sphere Missile

Fires sphere missiles. The missiles can be intercepted.

Head-On Collision

Fires electron cannons at point-blank range after hurling its body and dealing damage to all Nikkes.

Serial Engine Cannon

Fires a high-temperature railgun that can pierce through cover, dealing damage to all Nikkes.

Turret I

Turret II

Turret III

Turret IV

Missile Launcher I

Missile Launcher II


ImageNameRoleManufacturerElementWeaponBurst LVBurst CD
Anis: Sparkling SummerAnis: Sparkling SummerSupporterTetraElectricShotgun340
BelortaBelortaAttackerTetraElectricRocket Launcher220
GuillotineGuillotineAttackerElysionElectricMachine Gun340
Rupee: Winter ShopperRupee: Winter ShopperDefenderTetraElectricAssault Rifle120
ExiaExiaSupporterTetraElectricSniper Rifle120
ScarletScarletAttackerPilgrimElectricAssault Rifle340
HarranHarranAttackerPilgrimElectricSniper Rifle340
RosannaRosannaAttackerTetraElectricMachine Gun140
MoranMoranDefenderTetraElectricAssault Rifle140
Soldier EGSoldier EGAttackerElysionElectricAssault Rifle340
Product 08Product 08SupporterMissilisElectricSniper Rifle120
Privaty: Unkind MaidPrivaty: Unkind MaidAttackerElysionElectricShotgun340
MastMastSupporterElysionElectricSubmachine Gun220
BiscuitBiscuitSupporterTetraElectricRocket Launcher240
EinEinAttackerMissilisElectricSniper Rifle340
SinSinDefenderMissilisElectricAssault Rifle220
QuencyQuencySupporterMissilisElectricSubmachine Gun220
NoiseNoiseSupporterTetraElectricRocket Launcher140
EleggEleggSupporterMissilisElectricMachine Gun220
ClayClaySupporterTetraElectricSubmachine Gun240

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