Doomsday Book
Someone's diary describing the end of days.
Mankind's Last Moments
Human history is coming to an end. New life has been created, a cruel distortion of all things sacred. Cold, metallic judges descend. They did not see the signs. They cannot run from the hunt. The end is nigh. God, help guide them to their final resting place.
An Apostle is Born
Man is foolish and disputes the final judgment. He takes the Lamb of God for granted, leaving traces of evil in his wake. Yet God is tolerant and kind. New flesh is bestowed. Man's evil, God's child. The new apostle of God arises. Thy Kingdom comes, Thy will be done.
Prayer for Descent
Skeletons lie buried under the frozen earth. Such is man's original sin. They are the Lord's holy vessel. All shall bow to that direction. For the Second Coming, saturate the earth with the blood of sinners, and bow to she who will be reborn. Pray to God, who will one day descend.