OUTER AUTOMATA II D-WAVE occurs once again.
This time, it happened in a factory on the Surface.
The Commander and Counters head to the Surface to conduct an investigation...
02. A2 Route - Journey: A
03. A2 Route - Journey: B
06. A2 Route - A Joyful Life: A
07. A2 Route - A Joyful Life: B
08. Main Route - Target: A
09. Main Route - Target: B
10. Main Route - Unknown Event: A
11. Main Route - Unknown Event: B
12. Main Route - Android: A
13. Main Route - Android: B
14. Main Route - Living Form
15. Main Route - Uncertainty: A
16. Main Route - Uncertainty: B
17. Main Route - A Personal Resemblance: A
18. Main Route - A Personal Resemblance: B
19. Main Route - The One and Only Me: A
20. Main Route - The One and Only Me: B