Nikke Wiki

Default Costume

Scarlet: Black Shadow

A mass-produced Nikke from the Melee Squad. The numerous modifications she has undergone mean that her physical capabilities are far superior to those of a typical mass-produced Nikke. Known as a swordsmanship genius, possessing extraordinary skills.

  • ENRatana
  • JPReina Ueda
  • KRJang Ye-na
  • Pilgrim
  • Attacker
  • Rocket Launcher
  • SSR

Rocket Launcher


Reload:2 sec

Burst Gen1.25 %

Affects target(s). Unleashes sword energy for an attack of small range. Deals 57.29 % of ATK as damage. Charge Time: 0.3 sec. Full Charge Damage: 150 % of damage. Deals 200 % damage when attacking core.

Skill 1Fleetly Fading: BreakthroughPassive

Fleetly Fading: Breakthrough

Activates when attacking with Full Charge. Effect changes according to the number of attack(s). Effect of each phase does not stack. Three times: Affects 1 enemy unit(s) with the lowest DEF. Deals 250.47 % of final ATK as damage. Six times: Affects enemies within attack range . Deals 500 % of final ATK as Distributed Damage . Nine times: Affects all enemies. Deals 750.47 % of final ATK as Distributed Damage .

Skill 2Fleetly Fading: AsuraPassive

Fleetly Fading: Asura

Activates when entering Full Burst. Affects self. Max Ammunition Capacity ▲ 60 % for 10 sec. Reload 100 % of the magazine(s).

Burst SkillFleetly Fading: StrikeActive40 sec

Fleetly Fading: Strike

Affects self. Changes Full Charge attack count required for Skill 1 to 1 time/2 times/3 times for 10 sec. ATK ▲ 115.12 % for 10 sec. Charge Damage ▲ 150.12 % for 10 sec.

Skill Level


The goddess of victory. The hope of mankind. The most formidable squad that lives up to its self-explanatory name.

ImageNameRoleManufacturerElementWeaponBurst LVBurst CD
Snow White: Innocent DaysSnow White: Innocent DaysAttackerPilgrimIronAssault Rifle340
Red HoodRed HoodAttackerPilgrimIronSniper RifleAll40

Bond Episodes


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