A machine who searches for a path to peace. Highly intellectual and mild-mannered.
- EN:Alexis Tipton
- JP:Aoi Yūki
- KR:Aoi Yūki
- Abnormal
- Supporter
- Rocket Launcher
- SR
Rocket Launcher
Reload:2.5 sec
Burst Gen:1.15 %
Affects target(s). Deals 75 % of ATK as damage. Deals 200 % damage when attacking core. A weapon that cannot cast charged attacks.
Skill 1

Watch Out!
Activates after firing 10 time(s). Affects 1 ally unit(s) with the highest DEF. Recovers 6.28 % of the caster's final Max HP as HP.
Skill 2

I'll Do My Best
Activates when entering Burst stage 1. Affects 3 ally unit(s) with the lowest HP. HP Potency ▲ 38.4 % for 10 sec.
Burst Skill
Active40 sec

Stay Safe, Everyone!
Affects 3 ally unit(s) with the lowest HP. Recovers 55.29 % of the caster's final Max HP as HP.
Skill Level
Machine Lifeform
Mechanical weapons. It is an open secret that they are incapable of emotion, however...