Nikke Wiki

Default Costume


A freshman at the M.M.R. Vocational School who is utterly obsessed with fashion design. She is prone to using her phone and falling asleep in class. This behavior, which gives her a seemingly rebellious and harsh edge, disguises the fact that she is actually an emotionally sensitive person who truly cherishes her friendship with Zwei and Rei.

  • ENJalitza Delgado
  • JPNao Ojika
  • KRWon Esther
  • Missilis
  • Attacker
  • Sniper Rifle
  • SSR

Sniper Rifle


Reload:2 sec

Burst Gen2.8 %

Affects target(s). Deals 69.04 % of ATK as damage. Charge Time: 1 sec. Full Charge Damage: 250 % of damage. Deals 200 % damage when attacking core.

Skill 1Feather StandbyPassive

Feather Standby

Activates when entering battle. Affects self. Summons 4 Near Feathers . Activates when entering Burst Skill Stage 3. Affects self. ATK ▲ 70.12 % for 10 sec.

Skill 2Feather ShotPassive

Feather Shot

Activates when Near Feather is summoned. Affects 1 random enemy unit(s). Near Feather Attack: Deals 90.81 % of final ATK as true damage. Activates when attacking with Full Charge. Affects self. Charge Damage ▲ 80 % for 1 shot(s).

Burst SkillFeather All-RangeActive40 sec

Feather All-Range

Affects self. Summons 6 Near Feathers . True Damage ▲ 55.3 % for 10 sec. Charge Damage ▲ 140.68 % for 10 sec. Affects 10 enemy unit(s) with the highest DEF. Deals 300.02 % of final ATK as true damage.

Skill Level

School Circle

A group of students from the M.M.R. Vocational School, an educational institution established to improve a Nikke's performance. This squad comprises students who have excelled in their studies, and its members are placed in genuine combat situations outside of school hours.

ImageNameRoleManufacturerElementWeaponBurst LVBurst CD
ReiReiDefenderTetraWaterSubmachine Gun120

Bond Episodes


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